Monday, May 28, 2007

MyOpera Blocked

About a week ago, Trudy, my Chinese online friend told me that she cannot access MyOpera and
asked me if I could access it. I tried it, and it worked perfectly well, of course. I thought maybe it was only Trudy's internet that is experiencing internet, but it turns out that the issue is not as easy as I thought it was. Stomyr, another of my online friend from my opera blog told me that has been banned from China due to some offensive contents. OMG! I can't believe that. I had no idea how offensive a blog can be that it led China to ban access to the whole website. That is just so unreasonable.

I think until now, China is still very conservative on criticisms casted upon the government by other people. I don't know why they should react so violently when it was already a known truth that China is still not completely democratized. Oh well, I'm sad to say that Trudy and all other Chinese bloggers of the MyOpera community wouldn't be able to log-in or access the websites ever again :/  

This might have been good news to Blogger or any other blogsites out there lol As my friend, Trudy, has just moved her blog here a few days ago and will continue her blog here from now on. I hope Blogger don't get banned too haha

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I'm back?

I am actually thinking of posting on this blog again. I kinda missed this place hehe

Well, yesterday I was really bored so I thought I might as well come back here and do some customizations to my blog then I discovered this really nice new feature of blogger. It now offers a new customization tool where you can actually sort out the side bar and add extra stuff to your side bar without the hassle of having to edit the html. All you need to do is drag the side panels across with the mouse. As you can see, I've managed to replace my heading with a picture, which I edited yesterday using Adobe Photoshop CS3. I hope it didn't look so bad :D As for the background, honestly, I think it does not match my template, but anyway, I did use a lot of time editing that picture. It's a picture I originally downloaded from deviantart, but I changed the color :P

This should serve as my "welcome back" post lol I'll be posting more soon, I guess.