Last Day
Today is the last day of my first term break. The second term will start tomorrow... I feel strange. Part of me wanted this break to last forever, so I could just stay home and do whatever I want. The other part of me wanted classes to start because I'm too bored. I don't know what else I can do to keep myself occupied and entertained.
Even though the 2-week break is boring, I feel relaxed, refreshed, and ready to start the new term tomorrow, and go back to being the "industrious," "workaholic" me. Ah well...its not so bad, except that my class schedule will be totally different from the one I had on the first term. My classes will now start at 7:00 MWF and 8:00 TTH and end at 11:30 and 14:30. *Sigh* I'm sure that I'll be sleeping very late again everynight, at least later than 12:00 midnight. Before I could sleep late but wake up late too, now, I have to sleep late and wake up early.
On the second term, I'll be having TREDONE ( religious subject) and KASPIL (Filipino class)... my weaknesses, damn it! I hope, I just HOPE that I would get fair grades in these two worst subjects ever. I really wish I could maintain my Dean's List position throughout the whole school year and even in my whole 4-year stay in the university. PRAY PRAY PRAY...and I guess praying's got something to do with TREDONE O_o
I'm not gonna be able to post here often...but I'm sure I'd be able to think about something better and more interesting to write about. Ah well...I guess that's it. A very short post compared to my usual posts.
Well,those two surely are dreaded subjects... But hey! Now you're sked's half day, we could play tennis sometime.. Off to become varsity players... mwahahaha
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