Monday, July 24, 2006

Schedules Mixed-up

I was happy to know that classes today were suspended. The only problem is, my schedules for today are messed-up. I have a lot things to do today yet due to the suspension of classes, I'll have to reschedule everything to another day.

I was supposed to have my interview in psychology today about my online friendship, but now its canceled. I can't spare any other time in the week for the interview. Tuesday-- my lunch break is only 40mins. Wednesday--its the U-break plus another 2-hr break, but I have to do research and attend my piano lessons. Thursday--half day, my class starts at 1pm and ends at 4:10pm, which means I won't have extra time either. Friday--after PE class, there's a 40min-break, but its barely enough for the interview and my lunch. I guess the interview will have to be changed to next Monday -_-;;

Well, I was happy too because I got an extra day to finish my computer class reaction paper about the movie "A Beautiful Mind." This movie was nice. It is about the life of a genius mathematician and economists who was infected with schizophrenia. He has eveything imagined, including someone named Charles whom he claimed to be his bestfriend and room mate. Sheesh! This movie is a bit confusing, but really interesting. He never got over this disease, but he started ignoring the existence of his imaginary friends and concentrated on doing his work again-- formulation of the equilibrium. He was later awarded the Nobel Prize because of his theory of equilibrium.

Our objective in the reaction paper was to relate the life story of this genius named John Nash to our life as an economics student. I wonder where and how should I start... Anyway, I just thought of writing this new post. It somehow serves as a warm-up for me to write my reaction paper later. It makes my mind work lol -.- :D

Sorry, but I'm not trying to turn my blog into a diary. I just write whenever I feel like writing. That's all. Once again, thank you for those who read this boring post. HAHA My next post would be different, I promise :P

Saturday, July 22, 2006

A Boring and Happy Day

Military training today...
It was so boring. We were taught map reading and gun firing( with no bullets). Before the training ended, there was a platoon picture-taking. The training ended at approximately 1pm.

I was late for my meeting with Nikko and Dianne(Kamote). We were suppose to meet in KFC at 1pm to have lunch, then go to Rizal Sports Complex to play tennis. I was so impressed with the tennis courts there that I excitedly invited my two close friends to play tennis there. The floor was made of asphalt and the court boundaries were properly set. Everything seems to be so organized. The dressing room and bathroom was clean.

After lunch, we made our way to the Rizal Sports Complex and arrived there at about 1:55pm. We paid for the court fee and hired a ball boy, then quickly started our tennis practice. How I miss the days we play tennis together...Its been months since we've seriously played tennis. At the start, it was a 2 vs. 1 situation. Nikko vs. Dianne and me. The practice didn't start well LOL We had balls flying in every possible open space. We kept on laughing. We laughed at one another about our services and forehand strokes. >.<

30 mins. has passed, but still, we weren't able to play properly. I tried to be serious, but I just couldn't haha! I control myself from cussing everytime I get a fault in my services. I almost got crazy with my damn services. I can't get the balls across the net whenever I serve. After multiple trials, I managed to get a few balls across net. Most of the time, we start the rally informally. It turned out well, especially when our time limit is almost over. We tried to cool down and played peacefully, luckily, we managed to rally for a while. The ball boy suggested that we start a match and we did as he said. Guess what? We gained points from the faulty services of the opponent LOL! Believe me, serving the ball across the net is not as easy as it seems. I have to pinpoint the exact location where I want the ball to hit and control the timing and power applied to the ball. If I were not mistaken, I could only serve a good ball out of 4-5 trials T_T I really need more practice to increase accuracy.

I won the "match" in the end only because my friend did more faulty services than I did. HAHAHA Dianne laughed so hard while she watched us play. Even the ball boy couldn't control his laughs O_O Our score was 6-5( or 5-4) lol :P

It was really fun to play tennis without a coach who keeps talking beside. I could play in whatever style I want. It gives me more chances to test some new "inventions." Who knows?Maybe someday I could discover a new playing style just for myself >:)

After we finished playing tennis, we went to Starbucks to have a drink. We were all drained. We all need some refreshments to regain our energy. I ordered a Vanilla Cream Frapuccino, my favorite. Creamy, sweet, and cold-- all I need after 2 long hours of tennis practice. Afterwards, we went home by LRT. It was raining on my way home. It really feels good to feel the cool wind hustling beside my ears while we walked to the LRT station. By the time we got up the train, it was already 5:30pm. Rush hour...but I managed to catch the train with not so much people in it. LUCKY! :D

I got home at about 6:00pm. Though I felt tired, I felt relaxed at the same time. Its as if I'd shed a load of pressure and tension from my shoulders and my whole body. The reason why I like playing tennis is that it gives me the ultimate relaxation I need after a week's stress in class. Right now, I'm going to train even harder to improve my tennis playing skills and increase my stamina. I could endure a 2-hr tennis practice, but now I'm aiming at a 3-hr continuous play. I know I can do it if I am determined enough.

Well...I guess that's for the day. I hope it does not bore you too much haha :P Sorry recent posts are all about my personal encounters and happennings. I'm so bored that I had to write posts to keep me preoccupied. I promise I will write about something more relevant and interesting. Unlike my best friend, I haven't got the guts to try to write a romantic short story. I guess its better for me to focus on writing things happened in reality :P See you guys around. Post on your blogs too. Always remember that I visit your blogs everyday ;) Bye!^_^ Happy reading! :D

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Today, as I said earlier,was the day of my tennis tryouts for DLSU varsity team. As usual, I had my lunch in Animo with my friends. At about 12:00pm, I bid my friends good-bye and went to McDonald's to wait for Solomon, who was going to the tryout too. We agreed to meet there at 12:15pm, but when it reached 12:15pm, Solomon was still no where to be seen. I saw some of my blockmates sitting in McDonald's, so I joined them while waiting for Solomon to come.

I called him and sent him messages, but I received no response from him. Afraid to be late, I called his mom, then luckily. it was Solomon who answered the phone. He told me that he is still in his mom's store. I can't believe that he is still not on his way to McDonald's. 10 mins...20mins...has passed, yet he is still no where to be seen. His mom asked me on the phone if I had already met with Solomon, but I haven't. Another has 30mins passed, I looked at my watch and noticed that we were terribly late for the tryout. The tryout was supposed to start at 1:00pm.

Finally, after another 5 mins, I saw Solomon walking past McDonald's holding his mobile phone in his hand. I quickly went to met up with him and then we started on our way to Rizal Sports Complex, where the tryout was to be held. Later, I asked Solomon where he'd been and he said he was in McDonald's all along, yet he couldn't find me. His mobile phone was having some errors, so he couldn't send a text message to me to tell me that he's already arrived.

Well, what's done is done. I have nothing to do if we're late. We arrived at the tennis court at approximately 1:30pm. I was surprised to see so many people crowded on the benches. I approached a girl there and asked her if this was the place for the tennis tryouts and she said yes. I was surprised. OH MY GOD! I didn't know that so many people knew about the tryout. I started to tremble HAHA I was thinking of giving-up and going back to school, but I thought, I would never know the result if I didn't try. Braising myself up, I stayed and registered.

After another 5 mins, I was asked to rally with another girl player. I was really nervous. She started the rally, OH MY! she is too good for me. She plays like a pro. I was cursing myself. Crap!How am I suppose to get qualified if I can't catch-up with her fast and powerful serves? I tried my very best to put out my best and apply all what I have learned. After a while, another girl came and approached us, she asked my partner if she could join our rally, so we let her join. She was a beginner, like me, thank goodness! At least there was someone like me, I'm not the only beginner! HAHA :P

The rally turned out to be a mess LOL because its really hard to catch-up with the my pro play partner. Luckily, she was later called by the coach to play with another guy, so only the other beginner was left to play with me. It turned out well. After all, we're all beginners. I must say that I was glad that I've met yet another new friend hehe :D We played and enjoyed the rally. After 30 mins, the coach dismissed us and told us that the results will be released next week. He told us not to be nervous. (How can we not be nervous? haha) But all in all, it was a relief to me. I have finally shed my nervousness now that I've already tried out. All I have to do now is to wait for the results. If I qualified, then that would be the best. If not, its alright, I could try out another time. Maybe by then, I'd be a better tennis player.

I noticed that I was very very late for my math class. I hurriedly changed my clothes and went to DLSU with my 2 friends. When I reached the classroom, it was already 10 mins. before the class ends. My classmates asked how was my tryout and I said it was okay. My professor smiled at me. I knew someone told her about my tryout, so she was not very angry :P Luckily, I talked with her and she agreed to only mark me late and not absent.

So that was my day. A day expected to be terrible, but turned out to be not so terrible HAHA :P RELIEF!!!!! I feel relaxed now. Tomorrow, I'm going to attend my tennis lessons-- my usual Thursday routine before going to school in the afternoon. *SIGH* I'm going to have to report to my instructor what happened today LOL I hope he does not get too furious because I did not perform well. >.<

Another diary page........from my human brain notebook :P Happy reading :D Thanks!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Conflicting Emotions >.<

As I've promised, this is the other post I've mentioned in my previous post. hehe is the last day before the tennis varsity tryouts tomorrow. I'm really nervous. My heart thumps really hard whenever I thought of my tryouts tomorrow. That is my last chance to escape from the harsh military trainings and tiring PE classes.

I'm afraid that I'm the only beginner who is going to the tryout. I'm afraid to fail. I'm afraid that I would not be qualified. As I've said, I'm only a beginner looking forward to qualify in the tryouts to escape military training.

Though my mom and friends tell me that I should not be nervous. My mom told me that it is alright if I fail, I could tryout again next time. And if I pass, then its the best. I thought about that and believed that what she said was right, but I can't bear to go back to the harsh military training. I'd rather put my extra time on training my tennis skills than in military training.

Shall I go or not?My brain tells me to just chicken out and do what I got to do, but my heart tells me to do what I truly want to do and not worry about failing. What am I to do? I wish there'd be someone who could give me his/her very honest opinion, whether I should go or not. I think the possibility of me going is higher because after all my anticipations and excitement, my pride will not allow me to just give-up without even trying.

At least tomorrow, I'm not alone. Another friend of mine is joining the tryout with me. He was one of my close friends back in high school, who was also a student of my tennis instructor. A fellow beginner...hehe If he was brave enough to join the tryouts, why should I back-out? I think I've made up my mind. No matter what happens, I will go. I just pray that it will not rain tomorrow and that I don't get lost on my way to the tryout venue haha :P

P.S. Just another page torn out from my human diary to post it here hehe :D Hope you didn't get sleepy while reading this post because I know its boring haha :P

A Very Bad Day

Was a really bad day...

I woke up late this morning because I was able to sleep not until 1:30am because I was studying for the Chemistry midterm exam today. 150 pages...3 chapters -_-;; I started preparing for my classes and was able to arrive DLSU at approximately 10 minutes before my first class starts. My chemistry midterm exam starts at 8:30am, which is also my first class of the day. I walked to the building entrance and swiped my ID on the bar code sensor and guess what?My ID didn't work. The security then asked me if I had left my ID yesterday, if yes then I'd have to go to the south gate then to the registrar to revalidate my ID.

Crap!I said to myself. I didn't know that DLSU has such a stupid policy for students who left their ID at home. And my exam is going to start in another 10 minutes time. How am I suppose to go to the south gate then back to Brother Andrew Hall where my exam will be held, in just 10 minutes of time? Imagine that...I have to walk OUTSIDE the campus along the main road just to get to the south gate. It took me more than 5mins to reach there, considering that I was walking as if I was running. That was what I did too yesterday when I left my ID at home.(Its such a tiring task.) When I got to the south gate, the security guard there gave me a pass and told me to go to the registrar. On my way to the registrar office, I got lost, and had to go back to the south gate and ask the exact location. OKAY...the registrar was at the farthest end of the isle leading to the quadrangle. I went in there and had my ID revalidated. Now, I have to walk all the way back to Brother Andrew Hall to take my exam.

I arrived at Brother Andrew Hall after a while and was so lucky that the elevator was empty. I was already 10 minutes late when I got in the classroom. Good thing it was only 10 minutes, or else I would have been deprived of the right to take the exam. *sigh* What a the same time, what a day! >.<

I got the questionnaire and started answering the questions. After what we were told to study, the test was only over 25 ( 25 items). Well, at least i didn't forget what I reveiwed. The questions are easy to answer, but I have some answers that I am not very certain of. After 15 minutes, I've finished answering and passed the test paper. When I walked out of the classroom, my other classmates who've finished earlier were all panicking and worrying about the test.

Later, we got the answer key for the test questions from the professor. All were excited to see the answers and we ended up quarelling about the answer key LOL :D I got to see the correct answers and was relieved to see that I only made 3 mistakes, which is equivalent to 22/25( 3.0 is the final grade, and 4.0 is the highest) LUCKY! hehe I'm contented with the score because I'm not very much after my Chemistry score, I'm just aiming to get a score of at least 3.0 so I can be in the deans in the end of the term :P (I got a 3.8 in english, sadly, it was rounded down later to 3.5 because our teacher does not round up 3.5 and above score to 4.0) -_-;;

I had a classmate who said she would always have bad luck on tuesdays. She call tuesday her "bad luck day" because on this dayt, something bad would always happen to her >.< I hope this does not become my bad luck day too....O_o

Anyway, that was it. I have another post coming up after this hehe JUST WAIT >:) :P

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A Passage...or a poem? "I know not."

No classes today...

I encountered a passage when I was browsing the net. This passage caught my attention.
The following is the passage I mentioned:

"Once, there was a guy I met.
He was nice, he was polite,
He was sweet, he was funny,
He was courteous, he was humble.
He was everything a girl would want in a guy."

"We talked with each other day and night.
I enjoyed every moment spent with him.
Memories and happennings,
Hobbies and interests,
Dreams and desires,
We talked about."

"I feel happy when he is there,
I feel sad when he is away.
Time by time,
He does not talk with me that much anymore.
He is always busy.
I started to miss him,
But there is nothing I can do."

"Oh Lord!What is this?
Like something inside me,
Aching to be freed and released.
Is this love?
I know not."

"I rarely get to see him,
If I do, I don't know what to say to him.
I feel happy to see him,
But depressed,
When I thought of how short his stay will be,
When I thought of how long will I be able to see him again."

"Time after time,
Days after days,
My feelings for him,
I can no longer control.
It is like the flowing water of the river,
That never finds it way back."

"I am willing to sacrifice my precious time,
Just to be able to see him and talk with him.
To feel the vibration of his voice beside me,
To feel the look of his humorous eyes."

"All my secrets and feelings,
I share with him.
Had I had problems,
He would always be there to soothe me out of my fears."

"Never had I had this kind of feeling.
I wonder how long this feeling will last.
Would it be for eternity?or not?
I know not."

"I wonder,
Does he feel the same way I do for him too?
Is he aware of my feelings for him?
I know not."

"I wish I could be his angel,
Who obeserves him in silence.
Even if he does not feel my existence,
Seeing him alone is enough."

After I read this passage( or is it a poem?), I felt the sadness of the author. It was a nice passage, in which feelings have been clearly expressed. I wish the author good luck in her friendship with this guy she so emotionally mentioned.

I was bored. I can't think of anything to write. Tomorrow, classes will resume (*sigh* another quiz in basketball in PE class :S ). This post is just another thing I want to share with you guys hehe :P Meant nothing of importance. I hope you enjoy reading. Please do post a comment or tag on my tagboard if you feel the need to. Thanks! More upcoming posts, just sit back and wait. HAHA :P

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

NO CLASSES! wohoo :P

Every Wednesday is the U-break(university break) of the university, when every class regardless of course or schedule, have lunch break at the same time from 1:00-2:30pm. Normally, there would be well-known Filipino bands invited to perform in the amphitheater, but today we're experiencing heavy rainstorms here in Manila, so the event was cancelled.

As usual, I got up at 7:30am and started to get ready for my first class at 8:50am. It was raining when I left home. There was heavy traffic. Imagine, it took us ten minutes to reach my former high school by car, which only takes 5 mins to reach by feet. I was thinking that I'd be late for my class because there was heavy traffic all the way to DLSU(De La Salle University) . Gosh! When finally, we reached the Manila City Hall, omg the traffic was even worse, the flood was making the traffic worse. Finally, after another 10 mins, we reached Taft Avenue and luckily, there was no traffic there. Whew!

It was ten minutes before 8:50am that I arrived in school. I was glad that I made it lol Good thing our English professor was not very strict with our attendance, so it was okay to be late, but I always made it a point to go early. The bad thing was, the air-conditioning system of our classroom was again, having some problems. *sigh* its so hot in the classroom.... >.<

My first class ended at 10:20am, then we have our break until 2:30pm. My friends and I went to have lunch in a Japanese restaurant, then we planned to go the conservatory( study hall) to review our lessons for Chemistry for our midterm exam tomorrow. But suddenly, another friend of mine came to us and told us that the afternoon classes will be suspended due to the forthcoming typhoon ( tropical storm/cyclone). All of us were like..."WOHOO! We can study for Chemistry!" (sounds nerdy? lol no choice coz of the midterm exam :P)

We were all so excited (hah!) because according to our English class professor, DLSU rarely cancels classes during typhoon seasons, unless it reaches signal #3. But the good news came so suddenly that left us all smiling and laughing all the way home.

Thanks to the typhoon, I could finally have some time to write a new post. It was strange, I suppose there is a typhoon coming, but the weather now is sunny >.< AH!I don't care as long as we don't have classes lol I hope the typhoon would not last until tomorrow, so our midterm exam would be cancelled. I'm not ready to take the exam yet @_@ I never liked Chemistry, although it is a lot better than Physics.

Well, got to go now. Back to reading the 150-page coverage of the Chemistry exam( i'm dying! lol) Sorry for once again, writing another senseless post. LOL I'm really not in the mood to think of something "deep" to talk about :P No inspiration!!!! haha

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

What is this feeling?

Ever since I started university, I couldn't sleep early every night not until 1am. Loads of homework and projects were given to us every day. I came to a point that wherever and whenever I am, my mind is fully loaded with the things I have to do. Even in my dreams while I was sleeping, numbers, phrases, and the faces of the professors appear. Are those nightmares??? I always dizzy when I wake up, with the school works still stuck in my head.

So I could relax, I often turn-on my msn and yahoo messenger and chat with my friends while I do my homework. I would also turn-on windows media player and listen to music again and again until I finish what I'm doing. These are the only ways for me to relax and relieve myself from stress. I have a lot of friends, including online friends from different parts of the world. I thank them for entertaining me when I'm bored and tired.

Recently, one of my friend whom I chat with most often found a summer job. For almost two weeks now, I could rarely see him online. We could only chat once a week. He is really nice to chat with. He never fails to crack jokes to cheer me up. *Sigh* I don't know why, most of my online friends have all gone busy. Few were online to chat with me. I was really bored...but well it's ok as I could finish my homework faster haha

Even my friends in real life were all busy. They all have their own things to do, so of course, they would not have time to chat with me. I miss them...all my friends, including my online friends. How I wish I could see them again soon. How I wish I could talk and laugh with them again. Now that I'm in university, I kind of wanted to go back to high school and stay in the small and secure environment, together with my friends. While I was still in high school, I had wished every day to quickly graduate and start a new life in university... ( I really feel uncertain of what I truly want now.)

Tomorrow, I will be having my first piano lessons after two years of not having lessons. I'm excited and nervous too LOL I haven't had time to practice, so I hope I'd be able to do good tomorrow. I want to give a good first impression to my piano teacher haha :D Wish me luck! :P

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I can't take it I have an option?Yes!

I am starting to get used to the busy university life now, but the military training, I don't think I could bear it anymore. For 3 training days (3 weeks, once a week), I've been trying hard to endure pain and control myself from collapsing under the sun. Today is the worst day ever.

Last week, we got our military uniforms and had to wear them today. Long sleeves and combat boots! Its sooooo hot! I was perspiring like a water fountain and can't even wipe them out. As usual, we were made to run laps, do push-ups, pumps, and many more exercises. It was okay with me, but its different today as we were all wearing heavy clothings, so it makes us really hard to move.

Good thing a classmate of mine was a baseball varisty player of the university, so I asked him some incentives he gets from joining the varsity team. Through him, I now know that ahtletics are exempted from military training and PE classes. I was like "WOW!Finally, I could get off that stupid military training!"

I decided to try-out the tennis varsity team. I asked the tennis coach if beginners could join the try-outs and he said "yes" WEEEE I'm gonna go for it lol :P The try-outs will be on Julyl 19, I'm really excited now. If I get qualified, I would be able to be exempted from military training and play the sport that I truly like.

Two of my friends are also going for the try-out. One of them is to avoid her PE classes, which is judo class lol :D My PE classes are alright, its basketball. I like basketball, but I don't like the written exams, so I'd be happy to get away from it too haha :P

TENNIS!!!!!!!! God help me! ^^;;

I don't know what I'm saying...sorry if there are some grammatical errors hehe