Saturday, January 20, 2007

Wow! It's been a month!

Unusual for me, isnt it? To not write here for almost a month! haha Actually,
I've been writing still,but not posting it here. I've recently registered a new 
account in Opera blog. The URL for my second blog site is Please visit it :D Thanks! Why? 
Because I noticed that hit rates are surprisingly a lot higher there 
than here. My blog here is so desserted,there was not even one single hit within the month I wasn't able to write anything. Unlike in Opera,
anonymous people came and comment on my blog, which makes me feel
that there is always someone out there reading my blog contents, encouraging 
me to write more. I don't know what happened to some of my readers and
fellow bloggers here, seems this blog-writing heat had cooled down a bit. 

A few updates of what I've been doing for the whole month since December:

1. Christmas eve dinner in the mall
2. Watching three out of five days of Pyro Olympics (UK was the champion)
3. Studying for school (since it started January 8, 2007)
4. Been busy practicing piano everyday (done with 3 songs in 1 month :P)

That's all! Hope to see you guys soon. Bye!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oprea is good.haha~~~