Friday, June 16, 2006

Understanding or memorizing?

Back in high school, when people asked me what my favorite subject is, I would always say that math is my favorite subject. Although I find math interesting, I don't get really high grades on it, just average. Throughout the four years of high school, we were taught algrebra, advanced algebra,geometry,trigonometry, and calculus. For me, algrebra and calculus were the best.

Now in university, algebra was taught again and I found it surprising that I still remembered all the formulas of the special products and the methods of factoring. Strange...back when I was taking up algebra, I almost went crazy of memorizing the formulas, but now, I don't know why but they seem to pop-out from nowhere. I was surprised, but happy too :D

One funny thing was, when my professor was lecturing in class, she kept calling the attention of one of my classmates. The first time was because he was not around when she checked the attendance (He was late.) Second time was when the guy kept talking with his seatmate when the professor was explaining some math problems. The third time was the same with the second one (imagine that...O_o being called twice) The last time was when she called on him to answer a special products equation on the board and he didn't know how to answer the very basic and simple question. Finally, the professor erupted and said "See?You didn't know how to answer because you're not listening to me. I thought you were too good that you need not listen to me anymore." At that time, I can't believe that a student who originally came from a famous private school would not know how to answe a simple math problem. I said to myself "Good thing I was not talking with my seatmate and was listening to her, or else I would have been the one who were embarrassed in front of the whole class.

Last friday, we had a quiz on special products and factoring. The test was quite easy but my classmates were complaining after the test. They were saying that the test was too hard. After three days, the test results was announced and surprisingly I got a 83%/95%, which is approximately a 3.0-3.5 score. I was like..."WOW! Is this really my test paper?" I can't believe my score LOL I thought I'd get a red mark. More than half of the class failed the test, some of them only getting 30%/95% so I was really thankful that I got a passing mark :P

I think stock knowledge is really important. It doesn't matter how well you do in class as long as you understand the lessons and can use it appropriately when the need arises. I used to cram in school but now I'm trying very hard to correct this very bad habit and I'm happy to say that it's working a bit now...hehe

I guess that ends it. These days, I'm running out of topics to post in my blog, so I'm really sorry if my recent posts sucks >.<> I'd like to see your opinions hehe THANKS!

P.S. I will continue, oh my God, to do all my best for the love of you. Saint John Baptist de Lasalle, pray for us. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever. In the name of the God and of the Son and of the holy spirit, Amen!

-The Lasallian Prayer(university prayer)


ravenik45 said...

oh my god!

ako baka mga quatro lng wahaha!

wala kaming Atenean prayer!!!

dk said...

nice one! keep up the good work girl! I'm happy for you!